Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction
Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis
John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471386782. Copyright (c) 2002.
Book site at Wiley

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In today's world, embedded systems are everywhere -- homes, offices, cars, factories, hospitals, plans and consumer electronics. Their huge numbers and new complexity call for a new design approach, one that emphasizes high-level tools and hardware/software tradeoffs, rather than low-level assembly-language programming and logic design. This book presents the traditionally distinct fields of software and hardware design in a new unified approach. It covers trends and challenges, introduces the design and use of single-purpose processors ("hardware") and general-purpose processors ("software"), describes memories and buses, illustrates hardware/software tradeoffs using a digital camera example, and discusses advanced computation models, control systems, chip technologies, and modern design tools. Below is the table of contents of ESD. Furthermore, ESD intentionally does not cover the details of any particular processor, in large part because of the variety of setups used in embedded systems courses. Below, however, are extensive resources to assist teachers with the laboratory part of a course based on ESD. Presentation slides for each chapter can also be found, along with additional chapter resources.

Preface    Table of Contents

Chapter Information

Table of Contents Web Resources References and further readings Related Labs Lecture Slides
1: Introduction ch 1 web resources ch 1 references and further readings ch 1 labs ch 1 slides
2: Custom single-purpose processors: Hardware ch 2 web resources ch 2 references and further readings ch 2 labs ch 2 slides
3: General-purpose processors: Software ch 3 web resources ch 3 references and further readings ch 3 labs ch 3 slides
4: Standard single-purpose processors: Peripherals ch 4 web resoures ch 4 references and further readings ch 4 labs ch 4 slides
5: Memory ch 5 web resources ch 5 references and further readings ch 5 labs ch 5 slides
6: Interfacing ch 6 web resources ch 6 references and further readings ch 6 labs ch 6 slides
7: Digital Camera Example ch 7 web resources ch 7 references and further readings ch 7 labs ch 7 slides
8: State machine and concurrent process models ch 8 web resources ch 8 references and further readings ch 8 labs ch 8 slides
9: Control Systems ch 9 web resources ch 9 references and further readings ch 9 labs ch 9 slides
10: IC technologies ch 10 web resources ch 10 references and further readings ch 10 labs ch 10 slides
11: Design technology ch 11 web resources ch 11 references and further readings ch 11 labs ch 11 slides

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