ARTIST Summer School Europe 2011

September 4-9, 2011      Aix-les-Bains (near Grenoble), France organised and funded by ARTIST 


This year’s edition was held in Aix-les-Bains (near Grenoble), Sept 4-9.
  • Registration fee included meals and lodging (2 persons/room) from Saturday dinner to Friday lunch and bus transport from/to the Geneva and St Exupéry airports. Speakers are in individual rooms.
  • The registration fee only partially covers the costs incurred.
    The remaining costs are covered by the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme - ICT.

The school was organised by the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design, which gathers 32 top European institutions in the area. ArtistDesign’s mission is to coordinate European research in the area around an ambitious joint research agenda, and to spread excellence through targeted events such as international workshops, schools and seminars.

ArtistDesign has a strong tradition in organising top-quality schools. This is the seventh edition of yearly schools on embedded systems design, and is meant to be exceptional in terms of both breadth of coverage and invited speakers.


This school brings together some of the best lecturers from Europe, the USA, and Asia in a one week programme, and will be a fantastic opportunity for interaction. The programme is available here: overview, speaker bios and course abstracts.


We seek a balance between foundational aspects and applications. Speakers included recognized leading researchers and engineers.

The school is open to PhD students, researchers, and engineers.

Past Editions

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