HSCC 2009

April 13-15, 2009       San Francisco, California sponsored by Artist organised with Artist partners 

HSCC 2009

The 12th International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC’09) will take place in San Francisco from April 13 to 15.

HSCC’09 is part of the 2nd Cyber Physical Systems Week (CPSWeek) which consists of the collocation of HSCC with RTAS and IPSN.

HSCC’09 is the 12th in a series of successful annual meetings dedicated to research in embedded reactive systems involving the interplay between symbolic/discrete and continuous dynamical behaviors. Academic as well industrial researchers are invited to exchange information on the
latest developments of applications and theoretical advancements in the analysis, design, control, optimization, and implementation of hybrid systems.

The previous workshops in the series of HSCC were held in Berkeley, USA (1998), Nijmegen, The Netherlands (1999), Pittsburgh, USA (2000), Rome, Italy (2001), Palo Alto, USA (2002), Prague, Czech Republic (2003), Philadelphia, USA (2004), Zurich, Switzerland (2005), Santa Barbara, USA (2006), Pisa, Italy (2007), and St. Louis, USA (2008).


- Models of heterogeneous systems;
- Computability and complexity issues;
- Real-time computing and control;
- Embedded and resource-aware control;
- Computation and control over wireless networks;
- Mobile robotic networks;
-Tools for analysis, verification, control, and design;
-Programming languages support and implementation;
-Applications, including automotive, communication networks, avionics, energy systems, transportation networks, biology and other sciences, manufacturing and robotics.

See it online

  • Full information is available here.

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