Y1 Financial Reporting

Financial Reporting for ArtistDesign Year 1
Reporting period 1 / Financial statement Form C

message from Olivier.guerard@floralis.fr

Dear ArtistDesign partners,

The end of the first reporting period is imminent (31st of December 2008).
As usual this will mean that the process of receiving and signing off documentation becomes a race against time.

The next key event of the two projects is the review, which has been planned for the end of January 2009 in Brussels.
It would be great to include a paper about the financial impact for the first year during the review because new Projects Officers will be attending this meeting.
Consequently, I would like you to send me, as soon as possible (but before the 18th of January 2009), a draft version of Form C and details of the costs you intend to declare. If you believe this deadline is too tight, please let know.
The required documents are available here.

The signed originals of Form C have to be sent to the financial coordinator at the very latest by the 10th of February 2009.
Financial coordinator: Olivier.guerard@floralis.fr

I also would like you to pay attention to your declaration (Form C) for “Other activities”.

Concerning WP2 Spreading Excellence:
All declared costs relating to WP2 must be filled in the “other activities” category
(Please send me details before submitting these forms).

In terms of process, the Strategic Management Board must first approve all financial payments relating to events funded by Artist. The financial coordinator will then transfer money to the partner’s provisional budget named “other activity”.
Your provisional budget for “other activities” will appear at the end of each reporting period.

According to the Grant Agreement and the special clause n°10, UJF and INRIA must provide the financial coordinator with an original copy of Form C as well as the third party’s copy.

Of course, do not hesitate to contact the coordinator for any question about the financial statement.

Liliane Pereira Bahía: Tel +33 (0)4 76 00 78 32 (Legal aspects)
Olivier GUERARD: Tel +33 (0)4 76 00 78 39 (Financial aspects)

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