Aims and scope
The aim of this first IFAC workshop is to provide the communities of safety/reliability analysis and of DES (Discrete Event Systems) with an opportunity to exchange information and new ideas, and to discuss new developments in the field of dependable control of discrete event critical systems. Research in this field is driven by the needs of many different applications domains, such as production systems, transport systems, embedded systems, …
Several research results recently issued by the two communities are able to bring partial solutions to dependability requirements of these application domains. Fault-forecasting using dynamic or temporal fault-tree analysis, dependability modelling with the aid of bayesian networks, fault-tolerant systems design, formal verification of control software, timed and probabilistic model-checking, fault detection and diagnosis of DES, for instance, provide promising solutions for increasing control systems dependability. Nevertheless, none of these approaches in isolation can provide a global solution. Hence there is a need to bridge the gaps between the proposed models, methods and tools so as to improve design and operation of Dependable Control of Discrete Systems.
Gathering researchers of these two communities, this workshop will favour exchanges and will contribute to a better interdisciplinary approach for control dependability improvement. Works focusing on design for dependability ("off-line" methods) as well as on dependable operation ("on-line" methods) will be considered.
The workshop will cover all topics related to specification, design, implementation and operation of dependable controllers for critical discrete systems, including (but not limited to) the following:
- New theoretical contributions for dependable systems modelling and analysis using stochastic automata, Petri nets, Markov chains, bayesian networks, dynamic and temporal fault-trees, …
- Off-line methods for fault-forecasting and dependability assessment (design and analysis of safety models, probabilistic model-checking, architecture evaluation, …), for fault prevention and removal (formal synthesis, formal verification, …), for design of fault-tolerant controllers, …
- On-line methods for fault detection and identification, for monitoring and diagnosis, for reconfiguration, …
- Interdisciplinary approaches for dependability improvement,
- Applications to manufacturing and production systems, transport, power plants, mechatronics, embedded systems, …
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