Synchron 2007 |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
This workshop is devoted to all aspects of synchronous programming: languages, compiling techniques, formal methods, programming environments, execution platforms, semantics issues, code generation.
ARTIST2 meeting on Integrated Modular Avionics |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) has set the principles of standardized components and interfaces of hardware and software in aircraft, applied for the first time in the development of the Airbus A380.
Dagstuhl: Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Real-Time Systems |
In today’s world embedded real-time systems have become a crucial element in most advanced technical systems such as airplanes, cell phones, and cars.
Dagstuhl: Formal Protocol Verification Applied |
Security protocols are a core part of distributed computing systems, and are part of our everyday life since they are used in web servers, email, mobile phones, bank transactions, etc.
WESE’07: WS on Embedded Systems Education |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
This third workshop on the subject aims to bring researchers, educators, and industrial representatives together to assess needs and share design, research, and experiences in embedded systems education.
Foundations of Component-based Design |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
Discuss recent results on component-based design with emphasis on design frameworks for real-time systems encompassing heterogeneous composition and models of computation.
Between Control and Software (in honor of Paul Caspi) |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
This workshop, synchronized with the retirement of Paul Caspi in autumn 2007, will bring together experts in the field and collaborators of Paul at different periods for a series of lectures.
Precise Behavioral Semantics for DSML |
Model analysis and model-based code generation require the precise specification of Domain Specific Modeling Languages (DSMLs).
Dagstuhl: Mobile Interfaces Meet Cognitive Technologies |
Mobile sensing devices as well as the increase of computational power of mobile and handheld devices has led to a large increase in the area.
UML&AADL’2007 |
sponsored by Artistorganised with Artist partners |
This workshop seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of the representation, analysis, and implementation of DRE behaviour and/or architecture models.
Distributed Object Computing for RT and Embedded Systems |
Software standards for real-time and embedded systems must support stringent resource, reliability, and timing requirements. Deadline for abstracts is Friday, 1st March 2007.
SIES’2007 |
IEEE Second Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems
The aim of the symposium is to provide a platform to report on recent developments, and initiatives.
FCC 2007 |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
3rd Workshop on Formal and Computational Cryptography
WCET’07 |
organised with Artist partners |
7th Int’l Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis
ARTIST WS: Tool Platforms for ES Modelling, Analysis and Validation |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
DCDS’07 |
organised with Artist partners |
Fault-forecasting using fault-tree analysis, dependability modelling, fault-tolerant systems design, formal verification of control software, model-checking, fault detection and diagnosis of DES.
LCTES’07 |
Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems
Dagstuhl: Tools for the Model-based Development of Certifiable, Dependable Systems |
organised with Artist partners |
Certification of dependable systems, developing and validating (semi-)formal methods and tools for modelling and verification.
2nd Int’l ARTIST Workshop on Control for Embedded Systems |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
The aim of the workshop is to gather key researchers within the control and real-time computing fields to chart the research agenda for the next decade in control for embedded systems.
FMGALS’2007 |
sponsored by Artist |
Third International Workshop on Formal Methods for Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Design
SEUS 2007 |
The 5th IFIP Workshop on Software Technologies for Future Embedded & Ubiquitous Systems. In conjunction with the 10the IEEE Int’l Symposium, ISORC 2007
SCOPES 2007 |
sponsored by Artist |
SCOPES focuses on the software generation process for modern embedded systems. Topics of interest include all aspects of the compilation process, with emphasis on code generation techniques for embedded processors.
Towards a Systematic Approach to Embedded System Design |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
European research is developing leading-edge tools. Industry has strong needs for design methods and tools. A system-oriented approach is the long-term objective.
Dagstuhl: Geometry in Sensor Networks |
Wireless sensors offer exciting new possibilities for both passive monitoring and active intervention in all environments that matter to our health, security, economy, and life.
NeRES 2007 |
organised and funded by ARTIST |
NeRES 2007 was an informal workshop addressing the motivation and interest on dynamic reconfiguration in distributed embedded systems that present real-time and/or safety constraints.
SLA++P 2007 |
sponsored by Artist |
Model-driven High-level Programming of Embedded Systems (formerly "Synchronous Languages, Applications, and Programming")
WPDRTS 2007 |
organised with Artist partners |
The International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems is a forum for the presentation and discussion of approaches, research findings, and experiences in the area of parallel and distributed real-time systems.
COCV 2007 |
organised with Artist partners |
Compiler Optimization Meets Compiler Verification (6th International Workshop)
Software Tools for Multi-Core Systems |
Second Workshop on Software Tools for Multi-Core Systems
CASTNESS’07 Workshop and School |
sponsored by Artist |
Computing Architectures and Software Tools for Numerical Embedded Scalable Systems
(c) Artist Consortium, All Rights Reserved - 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009