Dagstuhl events are by invitation only.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together people working on the certification of dependable systems, those working in projects which aim at developing and validating (semi-)formal methods and tools for modelling and verification, and actual developers from the dependable systems industry (the organisers of the seminar are involved in several projects with industry partners which are on the list of invitees).
In particular we would like to discuss the following topics:
- Experiences from running or completed certification projects,
- The requirements on suitable models and methods, both from a the standpoint of software and system development and from the view of certification,
- Presentation and evaluation of existing models and analysis methods, being currently applied in different application domains where dependability is relevant like e.g. medical devices or transport systems,
- Similarities and differences with respect to the methods that are required in the standards and norms relevant for certification in different domains,
- Tools – experiences and new developments.
See it online!