PADVES: Platforms for Analysis, Design and Verification of Embedded Systems

June 27th, 2009       Grenoble, France organised and funded by ARTIST 

Format of the Workshop
Call for Papers



This workshop will consist partly of invited high level presentations with following discussion sessions.

We sollicitate submissions of a similar form which are not necessarily expected to be non published results, but which are meaningful for a discussion on the topics of the workshop.

The presentations will be selected from abstract which should be no more than a few pages to be sent by email to one of the organizers.

Target Audience

Researchers wishing to interact on and learn about needs for leading-edge Embedded Systems Design tools integrating well established automatic Validation methods.


We consider a spectrum of topics related to the design of platforms for building functionally correct embedded and complex systems with guaranteed properties.
  • Paradigms for designing specific classes of embedded systems and challenges for verifying non functional and platform related characteristics
  • Validation of complex architectures and system level analysis. This includes handling heterogeneity and multi-views from design to validation or verification.
  • Representations for systems, their platforms and their properties allowing their efficient exploitation by validation and code generation tools
  • Platforms for integrating validation and development: challenges and solutions
  • Solutions for tool integration
  • Adapting validation techniques to the type of functional/non functional properties under study
  • Studying emergence of properties in complex embedded systems

Important Dates and paper submission

Abstract submission May 30, 2009
Notification of acceptance June 10, 2009
Workshop Date June 27, 2009

We expect abstracts which not longer than a few pages, but still detailed enough for evaluating the proposed contribution.
Please send abstract to Susanne Graf and/or Christophe Gaston

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