Please see the Usage Policy at the bottom of this page.
Rainer Leupers - AACHEN
Kim Larsen - AALBORG
Christian Ferdinand - ABSINT
Luis Almeida - AVEIRO
Luca Benini - BOLOGNA
Michel Bidoit - CACHAN
François Laroussinie - Cachan
Philippe Schnoebelen - CACHAN
Michael Gonzalez Harbour - CANTABRIA
Anika Dy - CDC
Jean-Noel Forget - CDC
Olivier-Nicolas Gremont - CDC
Yuan Laurent - CDC
Serge Roger - CDC
Frederic Volle - CDC
Francois Terrier - CEA
Bernard Boigelot - CFV
Véronique Bruyère - CFV
Baudouin Le Charlier - CFV
Thierry Massart - CFV
Jean-Freancois Raskin - CFV
Pierre-Yves Schobbens - CFV
Pierre Wolper - CFV
Vladimir Kucera - Czech
Zdenek Hanzalek - Czech TU
Peter Marwedel - DORTMUND
Jan Madsen - DTU
Inge Poulsen - DTU
Jeroen Voeten - Embedded Systems Institute
Tom Henzinger - EPFL
Sylvie Vaucher - EPFL
Manfred Morari - ETHZ
Lothar Thiele - ETHZ
Kathleen Milsted - France Telecom
Jacques Pulou - France Telecom
Albert Benveniste - INRIA
Alain Girault - INRIA
Thierry Jeron - INRIA
Jean-Marc Jezequel - INRIA
Isabelle Puaut - IRISA
Martin Torngren - KTH
Petru Eles - LINKOPING
Karl-Erik Arzen - LUND
Juan de la Puente - MADRID
Werner Damm - OFFIS
Hardi Hungar - OFFIS
Bernhard Josko - OFFIS
Alberto Ferrari - PARADES
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli - PARADES
Giorgio Buttazzo - PISA
Giuseppe Lipari - PISA
Eduardo Tovar - PORTO
Reinhard Wilhelm - SAARLANDES
Christian Bertin - ST
Thierry Lepley - ST
Rolf Ernst - TUBS
Ed Brinksma - TWENTE
Sandro Etalle - TWENTE
Bengt Jonsson - UPPSALA
Bengt Jonsson - UPPSALA
Paul Petersson - UPPSALA
Pedro Albertos - UPVLC
Alfons Crespo - Valencia
Bruno Bouyssounouse - VERIMAG
Paul Caspi - VERIMAG
Susanne Graf - VERIMAG
Yassine Lakhnech - VERIMAG
Florence Maraninchi - VERIMAG
Joseph Sifakis - VERIMAG
Wilfried Elmenreich - VIENNA
Sibylle Kuster - VIENNA
Philipp Peti - VIENNA
Peter Puschner - VIENNA
Hermann Kopetz - VIENNA
Guillem Bernat - YORK
Alan Burns - YORK


Usage Policy

To prevent unsolicited messages, only persons on a mailing
list may write to that mailing list (spammers can identify
mailing lists, and thus target these especially).

Thus, if you have several different email addresses and use
one that is not on the mailing list, then your message will
bounce and you’ll get a reply from the server.

All questions or requests related to mailing lists should be
sent to the Artist2 Technical Coordinator.

(c) Artist Consortium, All Rights Reserved - 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Réalisation Axome - Création de sites Internet