The considerable and rapid evolution of microelectronics and nanotechnology has led to a rising miniaturization of embedded systems. This miniaturization trend has resulted in the development of tiny embedded systems which are being buried into more and more everyday objects. These smart devices will, in the near future, be omnipresent everywhere from clothes to homes, supermarkets, cars, public transports, industrial automation, environment, etc. being connected to each other, the users and other base systems using networks of diverse types.
Given the pertinence of this innovative technology, the dissemination of this key success factor in developing countries is very much motivated. In this respect,the ArtistDesign NoE, in collaboration with ENSIAS, is organizing a summer school on Embedded Systems in July 2010. This school, given by distinguished lecturers, offers a full week consisting of five in-depth tutorials on state-of-the-art techniques for the design and analysis of embedded and real-time systems and networks.