9:00 - 10:00 Keynote:
Challenges and Solutions for Adaptive Resource Management in Cyber-Physical Systems, Raj Rajkumar, Carnegie Mellon University
Abstract: An increasing number of systems today ranging from mobile phones,
radar systems and internet-scale conferencing to fully autonomous cyber-physical
systems can benefit from adaptive resource management techniques to meet
constraints on timing, energy, fault-tolerance and changing demands. This talk
will present a host of solutions to cope with such requirements. Resource
reservations at the kernel level offer a sound foundation. A QoS-based Resource
Allocation Model can be used to maximize overall system utility while assigning
finite resources across multiple applications with a multitude of QoS
dimensions. Energy-aware scheduling techniques enable longer lifetimes in
battery-constrained systems such as laptops and wireless sensor networks. The
uncertainty of the physical environment can also impose varying and unexpectedly large demands on resource-constrained systems. In these mixed-criticality systems, applications with higher criticality must continue to meet their
resource requirements even at the expense of lower-criticality applications.
Finally, as security and safety requirements are considered, even greater
challenges loom in the future.
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee
10:30 - 12:00 Mini-Keynote Session
Managing Diverse Resources - the need for an Ontology on Resource Scheduling - Alan Burns, University of York
iLAND: mIddLewAre for
deterministic dynamically reconfigurable NetworkeD embedded Systems - Marisol García-Valls, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Adaptive Resource Management in ACTORS - Karl-Erik Årzén, Lund University
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:20 - 15:00 Submitted Papers Session 1

Heuristics for partitioning parallel applications on virtual multiprocessors, Buttazzo, Bini, Wu

Convex programming-based resource management for uncertain execution platforms, Lindberg

A control theory approach to Video stream adaptation for restricted bandwidth networks, Coelho, Kotra, Fohler

Adaptive resource management framework for mobile terminals - the ACTORS approach, Segovia, Årzén, Schorr, Guerra, Fohler, Eker, Gustafsson
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee
15:30 - 16:50 Submitted Papers Session 2

Runtime tradeoffs between control performance and resource usage in embedded self-triggered control systems, Samii, Eles. Peng, Cervin

Improving the efficiency of Ethernet switches for real-time communication, Santos, Vieira, Marau, Pedreiras, Olveira, Almeida, Nolte

A language-based approach to the discrete control of adaptive resource management, Delaval, Rutten

Runtime CRPD management for rate-based scheduling, Marinho, Petters
16:50 - 17:15 Panel
17:30 CPSWEEK Welcoming Reception