Mobility Report

Timing Analysis

Research Visit at University of Rennes

This article is a mobility report about the research visit at University of Rennes.
This was a research meeting at the group of Prof. Isabelle Puaut.
The group of Prof. Puaut also works in the domain of using compiler technology to make computer components more predictable (e.g., cache locking). Our group works on compiler support to transform code annotations used for timing analysis in parallel to any code optimization. The purpose of the research visit was to exchange details on current research results. Besides several discussions with group members, Raimund Kirner gave a talk about his research activities on compiler-support for timing anaysis.

Financial details to justify the costs:
(there is no separate text field where to place it)

airfare: 318.07
lodgings: 269.20
local traveling: 221.50 costs: 163.50
grant Univ. Rennes: - 316.25

total: 656.02 EUR

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