April 27th, 2011      Las Vegas, USA (in conjunction with ICECCS 2011) sponsored by Artist organised with Artist partners 


This workshop seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners interested in all aspects of the representation, analysis, and implementation of DRE system behaviour and/or architecture models. To this end, we solicit papers (no more than 6 pages long) related to, but not limited to, the following principal topics:
  • Modeling languages integration (MARTE+SysML+AADL)
  • Intensive use of AADL annexes (as ARINC 653, Programming Annex, Behavior Annex, Data Modeling Annexes, Error Modeling Annex)
  • Automated System Engineering and System Composition
  • Model-based methodologies
  • Multi-domain specific modeling languages
  • Model-based engineering Process with AADL
  • Architectural analysis domain methods
  • Real-time Software/System development issues
  • Integration of different formalisms (e.g., Simulink/StateFlow, StateMate and Scade-drive)
  • Integration of multiple domains of architectural analysis
  • Model transformation and generative approaches
  • Model Checking of architecture specifications
  • ADLs behavioral models simulation, Scheduling analysis and Worst-case execution time prediction
  • Assuring implementation correctness to architectural specification and
  • Tool chains facilitating architecture centric development

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