March 26-27, 2007       Long Beach, California, USA organised with Artist partners 

The 15th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems


The International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems is a forum for the presentation and discussion of approaches, research findings, and experiences in the area of parallel and distributed real-time systems. Both research and development of relevant technologies are of interest, as well as the applications built using such technologies. This year features 4 special and invited sessions that highlight recent advances in real-time systems. Submissions to both general sessions and special sessions are solicited.

General Paper Sessions

These sessions will present high-quality papers submitted to the workshop and selected by the program committee for presentation and publication at WPDRTS.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to
- Adaptive and reflective real-time systems
- Applications, benchmarks, and tools
- Architectures and hardware/software co-design
- Distributed real-time and embedded middleware
- Fault-tolerance, security, and robustness
- Real-time operating systems
- Real-time and embedded databases
- Soft real-time and mixed-critical systems
- Algorithms and Applications
- QoS based resource management and real-time scheduling
- Programming languages and environments
- Specification, modeling, and analysis of real-time systems
- Certification of resource managers
- Real-time communication protocols and architecture

Special and Invited Sessions:

Formal methods for distributed real-time systems
special session co-chairs: Ansgar Fehnker, University of New South Wales, Australia,
Sriram Sankaranarayanan, NEC Laboratories, USA
This Special Session provides a platform for work that employs Formal Methods for design and analysis of distributed and time critical systems.

Automotive systems
special session chair: Michaela Huhn, University of Braunschweig, Germany
The automotive domain is a challenging application area for the tight integration of systems with different realtime characteristics.

Certification of Dynamic and Adaptive Systems
special session co-chairs: Paul R. Work, Raytheon Company, USA
Adam Porter, University of Maryland, USA

Wireless sensor networks
special session chair: William Leal, Ohio State University, USA
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:

- Communication protocols,
- high-level operating system and programming abstractions,
- middleware and service architectures,
- configuration management, testbeds,
- in-network information processing,
- security,
- novel applications and experience reports,
- resource discovery and management,
- QoS issues,
- disconnected and weakly-connected WSNs,
- tools and methodologies forbuilding WSNs.

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