July 16-19, 2007       Samos, Greece


Scope & Objectives

SAMOS is a premier and well-established symposium on embedded systems organized annually since 2001. The symposium brings together researchers from academia and industry on the quiet and inspiring northern mountainside of the Mediterranean island of Samos. It provides an environment where collaboration rather than competition is fostered.

The symposium comprises two co-located events

- IC-SAMOS - International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation:
The conference considers new state-of-the-art mature research papers on all aspects of embedded processor hardware/software design and integration. The IC-SAMOS is an IEEE co-sponsored conference (by both the IEEE CAS Society and the IEEE Germany SSCS chapter) and the conference proceedings will be published in the IEEE series.

- SAMOS Workshop - International Workshop on Systems, Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation:
The workshop considers new state-of-the-art research papers as well as papers on ongoing work with promising preliminary results. Positional and in-depth review papers are also considered. Furthermore, the workshop covers additional topics compared to IC-SAMOS that are complementary to processing and necessary to build embedded systems, e.g., sensor systems. The workshop proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series.

Important Dates

February 9, 2007 — Paper Submission Deadline

March 23, 2007 — Notification of Acceptance
April 13, 2007 — Camera Ready Submission Deadline

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