Please note that this page and the materials that accessible through it are reserved for Artist2 core partners only.
The latest version of the Artist2 budget (containing all the information since the beginning of the project) is available in excel:

--- current budget ---
detailed view

--- budget synthesis ---

How to interpret the Budget

The main sheets you’ll be interested in are the yearly detailed views.

These provide a financial breakdown per activity and per partner. The columns on the right allow partial sums to be calculated, such as the total amount per partner, per workpackage, etc.

Please be sure to use the latest available version in any correspondence.

How to access Spreading Excellence (JPASE) funds

A part of the total Artist2 budget (12%) has been set aside for Spreading Excellence activities.
  • 6% of this is spread amongst the clusters (and decided by the cluster leaders).
  • The remaining 6% covers global activities and is controlled by the Strategic Management Board.

JPASE funds can cover any activities that are World Class, and have an impact on the work done in teams outside Artist2. They can be used to pay for travel, room rentals, manpower, course materials, printing costs, etc with exactly the same restrictions that apply to all other NoE expenses (eg: they must fit the NoE’s needs, and be reasonably economical, fit into the partners cost model, etc).

Contrary to popular belief, it’s really very simple to attribute the JPASE funds. The cluster leader simply informs the Technical Coordinator of the financial distribution between the Artist2 core partners involved, specifying: the exact nature of the event or activity, relevant dates, URL, etc. for the event or activity; and the amounts per partner (that must fit into the available JPASE budget). Please note that public events (eg: workshops/seminars/schools) should be on the Artist web portal - and publicized via the Artist Newsletter which has a very wide distribution within the embedded systems community.

To see the current budget distribution for JPASE funds, please refer ot the current version of the budget (via the link above). Any unattributed JPASE funds are indicated in RED in the yearly detailed views. Please note that in many cases, there are still funds available from previous years (so be sure to check for these).

(c) Artist Consortium, All Rights Reserved - 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

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