ARTIST Summer School South-America 2010

May 26-28, 2010      Gramado, Brazil organised and funded by ARTIST 

Associated Events

Real-Time Systems Workshop (WTR)

This year WTR will be part of the 1st South-American Embedded and Real-Time Systems Week (, composed by two workshops and the Fourth Artist South-American School on Embedded Systems.

WTR 2010 is a forum aimed at the discussion of recent advances and developments in real-time computing and embedded systems. Prospective authors are invited to submit original, previously unpublished work, reporting on novel and significant research contributions, on-going research projects, experimental results and recent developments related to, but not limited, the following topics:
- communication protocols
- distributed systems
- energy-efficient systems
- fault tolerance
- formal methods
- mobile computing
- ubiquitous computing
- software engineering
- model-driven engineering
- embedded systems
- real-time databases
- real-time middleware
- real-time operating systems
- scheduling
- sensor networks
- multimedia and QoS support
- timing analysis
- industry applications
  • Full information about the Real-Time Systems Workshop (WTR) is available online.

Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE)

  • Full information about the Embedded Systems Workshop (WSE) is available online.

Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2010)

  • Full information about SBRC 2010 is available online.

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