August 1-10, 2007 Suzhou (near Shanghai), China | organised and funded by ARTIST |
Prof. Karl-Erik ArzenLund University, SwedenKarl-Erik Årzén was born in Malmö, Sweden on October 4, 1957. He received his M.Sc in Electrical Engineering and PhD in Automatic Control from Lund University in 1981 and 1987 respectively. He was appointed as professor in automatic control in 2000. He has also worked for ABB Corporate Research during 1992-1994. His research interests includes real-time systems, real-time and embedded control, control of computer software systems, discrete event and sequential control, and intelligent control systems. He has published more than 120 journal articles and conference papers. He is the leader of the Control for Embedded Systems cluster within the EU/IST Network of Excellence ARTIST2 since 2004. He was the chairman of the IEEE Control System Society Technical Committee on Real-Time Control, Computing, & Signal Processing 1999-2002. He is vice chairman of the IFAC Technical Committee on Real-Time Computing & Control since 2002. In 2006 he received the Guido Carlo-Stella award from the World Batch Forum for his contributions to manufacturing automation. |
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Prof. Dr. Luca BeniniUniversity of Bologna, ItalyLuca Benini is a Full Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (DEIS) of the University of Bologna. He also holds a visiting faculty position at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne. He received a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1997. Dr. Benini’s research interests are in the design of system-on-chip platforms for embedded applications. He is also active in the area of energy-efficient smart sensors and sensor networks. He has published more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed international journals and conferences, four books and several book chapters. He has been program chair and vice-chair of Design Automation and Test in Europe Conference. He has been a member of the technical program committee and organizing committee of several technical conferences, including the Design Automation Conference, International Symposium on Low Power Design, the Symposium on Hardware-Software Codesign. He is Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Circuits and Systems and the ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems. He is a senior Member of the IEEE. |
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Paul CaspiVerimag Laboratory, FrancePaul Caspi graduated from "Ecole polytechnique (Paris)" and holds a "docteur ès sciences" degree in automatic control from "Institut national polytechnique de Grenoble. He is currently "directeur de recherche CNRS" at the Verimag laboratory in Grenoble. His domain of interest is computer science applied to automatic control. He is mainly concerned with safety problems in critical applications, from both hardware and software points of view. This has led him to be involved in the design of Lustre, a data-flow programming language for safety-critical automatic control applications. Lustre has been chosen as the kernel language of the SCADE design environment used at Airbus for designing the flight control systems of Airbus commercial aircrafts. This achievement owed him to share the Monpetit prize of French "Académie des sciences". He also served as a consultant for several French companies and administrations, on problems related to safety-critical computing systems. |
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Kim LarsenAalborg University DenmarkKim Guldstrand Larsen (born 23 December 1957) holds an MSc in Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Aalborg, Denmark, and a PhD in Computer Science from Edinburgh University, Scotland. He is a Professor of Computer Science at Aalborg University, and Industrial Professor at Twente University, The Netherlands. In addition, Kim Guldstrand Larsen has visited, or has held visiting appointments, at research centres like ENS Cachan (France), Swedish Institute of Computer Science (Sweden), Uppsala University (Sweden), Twente University (The Netherlands) and Carnegie-Mellon University (U.S.A). Kim Guldstrand Larsen is director of CISS, the Center for Embedded Software Center, co-director of BRICS, the center for Basic Research in Computer Science, and member of the strategic management board of the ARTIST2 Network of Excellence. Kim Guldstrand Larsen is member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Copenhagen, and is member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences. For a period of seven years he served as member of the Danish Natural Science Research Council. Kim Guldstrand Larsen became Honorary Doctor (Honoris causa) at Uppsala University in 1999 for his outstanding contributions to the popular verification tool UPPAAL. In 2005 he received the Danish Citation Laureates Award, Thomson Scientific, as the most cited Danish computer scientist in the period 1990-2004. Since 1987 Kim Guldstrand Larsen has written and/or edited 10 books, published 27 papers in international journals, and approximately 130 papers in international reviewed conferences. Kim has co-authored 6 software-tools, holds one patent and is prime investigator in the real-time verification tool UPPAAL ( Kim Guldstrand Larsen has given invited talks and course all over the work, including North-America, China, India, and most European countries. Kim Guldstrand Larsen is currentley ranked no. Ranked 531 on Citeseer an has H-number 34 according to Google Scholar. Kim Guldstrand Larsen is editorial board member of the journals Formal Methods in System Design, Theoretical Computer Science and Nordic Journal of Computing. He is serving as a member of the steering committee for the ETAPS conference series. Also he is serving as member of the steering committees and was one of the original initiators for the CONCUR conference series, the TACAS conference series and the FORMATS workshop seriesI. n addition Kim Guldstrand Larsen has served as program committee member for numerous conferences and acted as program chair and organiser of the international conferences ICALP’98, CONCUR’01, CAV’02 and FORMATS’03. |
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