Artist2 / UNU-IIST School in China - 2007

August 1-10, 2007       Suzhou (near Shanghai), China organised and funded by ARTIST 

Course Materials

Luca Benini
University of Bologna

SoC platforms: modeling and analysis

- SoC technology
- Silicon technology trends and challenges
- Application drivers
- Architecture evolution
Luca Benini
University of Bologna

MPSoCs - Multi-core HW platforms

Why MPSoCs:
- technology challenges
- application challenges
- MSoC architectures
- Case studies
Luca Benini
University of Bologna

MPSoCs - Software platforms

- the software challenges
- System software - middleware
- Case studies:
Industrial standardization intiatives
Luca Benini
University of Bologna

Design technology for MPSoCs

- Analysis of non functional properties (eg. power, reliability)
- Mixed simulation / formal approaches
Karl-Erik Arzen
Lund University

Introduction to Feedback Control

The role of feedback. Models and linearization. Stability. State-space and input-output models. Pole-placement. State-feedback and observers. Feedforward.
Karl-Erik Arzen
Lund University

Computer Implementation of Control Systems

Discretization of continuous-time control designs. Discrete-time control design. Aliasing. Anti-windup. Mode-handling. Numerics. PID control example. Task models for control.
Karl-Erik Arzen
Lund University

Interaction between Control and Scheduling

Interaction between control design and computer implementation. Temporal robustness. The effects of latencies and jitter on control performance. The Jitter Margin. The Control Server Model. Networked Embedded Control.
Karl-Erik Arzen
Lund University

Co-Design Tools

TrueTime – co-simulation of real-time kernels, networks, and continuous plants. Jitterbug – analytical temporal robustness evaluation of control loops. Several examples and demos will be shown.
Karl-Erik Arzen
Lund University

Control of Computer Systems

Examples of feedback in computer and communication systems. Queue-length control. Control of web-servers. Feedback scheduling in control systems. Feedback-based resource management. Control in Communication Networks.
Paul Caspi

Model-based Development for Embedded Control Systems

Introduction and Conclusion
- Simulink
- Stateflow
Code generation
- Single-thread
- Multi-thread
- Models in computing and control
- Sampling
- Hybrid systems
Kim Larsen
Aalborg University

Validation of Real Time and Embedded Systems

- Introduction: Validation of Real Time and Embedded Systems using UPPAAL
- Modelling, Specification, and Verification using UPPAAL
- Finite State Model Checking
- Timed Automata – Decidability Results
- Optimal & Real Time Scheduling
- Real Time Controller Synthesis
- Real Time Testing using UPPAAL
- Applications

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