ICE 2012

June 16th, 2012      KTH in Stockholm (Sweden) (satellilte of DisCoTec'12) organised with Artist partners 


ICE 2012 – 5th Interaction and Concurrency Experience
Topic: Distributed coordination, execution models, and resilient interaction

Interaction and Concurrency Experiences (ICEs) is a series of international scientific meetings oriented to theoretical computer science researchers with special interest in models, verification, tools and programming primitives for complex interactions.

The general scope of the venue includes theoretical and applied aspects of interactions and the handshaking mechanisms used among components of concurrent/distributed systems, but every experience focuses on a different specific topic (see "Previous Editions" at the end of this call) related to several areas of computer science in the broad spectrum ranging from formal specification and analysis to studies inspired by emerging computational models.

The theme of ICE’12 is Distributed coordination, execution models, and resilient interaction.


- Check out the abstracts of Marcello Bonsangue’s and Ichiro Hasuo’s invited talks!
- The Discussion forum is up and running!
- Marcello Bonsague has accepted to give an invited talk.
- Ichiro Hasuo has accepted to give an invited talk.


- Invited talks by Marcello Bonsague (Leiden University, The Netherlands) and Ichiro Hasuo (Tokyo University, Japan)
- Innovative selection procedure (Paper submission)
- A special issue of Scientific Annals of Computer Science will be considered depending on the quality of the submitted papers.


ICE 2012 is sponsored by CEA-List (ANR-Panda) and the University of Bologna

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