MoCC - Models of Computation and Communication

November 16-17, 2006       Zurich, Switzerland organised and funded by ARTIST 


List of participants

- Benoît Caillaud, INRIA-IRISA Rennes, France
- Paul Caspi, Verimag-CNRS Grenoble, France
- Joachim Falk, U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Deutschland
- Alberto Ferrari, Parades Roma, Italia
- Thierry Gautier, INRIA-IRISA Rennes, France
- Marc Geilen, TU Eindhoven, Nederland
- Sébastien Gérard, CEA-LIST Palaiseau, France
- Alain Girault, INRIA Rhône-Alpes Monbonnot, France
- Gregor Goessler, INRIA Rhône-Alpes Monbonnot, France
- Michael González-Harbour, U. Cantabria Santander,España
- Christian Haubelt, U. Erlangen-Nuremberg, Deutschland
- Tom Henzinger, EPFL Lausanne, Suisse
- Axel Jantsch, KTH Stockholm, Schweden
- Bengt Jonsson, U. Uppsala, Schweden
- Christoph Kirsch, U. Salzburg, Osterreich
- Edward Lee, UC Berkeley, USA
- Johan Lilius, Åbo Akademi U. Turku, Suomi
- Florence Maraninchi, Verimag-INPG Grenoble, France
- Michael Mendler, U. Bamberg, Deutschland
- Marius Minea, U. Timisoara, Romania
- Lionel Morel, INRIA-IRISA Rennes, France
- Joseph Sifakis, Verimag-CNRS Grenoble, France
- Alena Simalatsar, Universitá di Trento, Italia
- Nikolay Stoimenov, ETH Zürich, Schweitz
- Lothar Thiele, ETH Zürich, Schweitz
- Eugenio Villar, U. Cantabria Santander, España



This workshop was based on invitations and the attendance was strictly limited to 40 persons.

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