MoCC - Models of Computation and Communication

November 16-17, 2006       Zurich, Switzerland organised and funded by ARTIST 

Program and Minutes


- The final minutes for the workshop are available here.

Thursday, Nov. 16

- Edward Lee (UC Berkeley)
Concurrency Demands New Foundations for Computing
- Axel Jantsch (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
ForSyDe: A Denotational Framework for Heterogeneous Models of Computation
- Benoît Caillaud (IRISA, Rennes)
Correct-by-construction asynchronous implementation of modular synchronous specification
- Paul Caspi (CNRS/VERIMAG, Grenoble)
From loosely time-triggered systems to a taxonomy of MOCCs
- Sébastien Gérard (CEA List)
Accord-UML: a methodological approach for model-based development and validation of real-time embedded systems
- Johan Lilius / Lionel Morel (Abo Akademi, Turku - FINLAND / INRIA-IRISA, Rennes - FRANCE)
Rialto: a language for heterogeneous computations
- Christian Haubelt / Joachim Falk (University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
SysteMoC: Verification and Refinement of Actor-Based Models of Communication
- Marc Geilen (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Modeling, Analysis and Scheduling with Dataflow Models
- Eugenio Villar (University of Cantabria)
SystemC as an Heterogeneous System Specification Language
- Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Modular Performance Analysis
- Michael González-Harbour (University of Cantabria)
MAST: A Timing Behaviour Model for Embedded Systems Design Processes
- Alain Girault (University of l’Aquila and INRIA POP-ART team)
Adaptor synthesis for real-time components

Friday, Nov. 17

- Joseph Sifakis (CNRS/VERIMAG, Grenoble France)
Component-based Construction of Heterogeneous Real-time Systems in BIP
- Christoph Kirsch (Universität Salzburg)
The JAviator: A Flying MoCC Laboratory
- Tom Henzinger (EPFL)
Interfaces for Real-Time Components
- Florence Maraninchi (Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, France)
A Component Model for Embedded Systems Made of Heterogeneous Elements
- Thierry Gauthier
Paul Le Guernic
(IRISA/INRIA Rennes – France)
Polychronous MoCC for open systems

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