Welcome and Introduction
Session 1: AADL based Analysis
9h15-9h40: Eric Senn, Johann Laurent, and Jean-Philippe Diguet.
Multi-Level power consumption modelling in the AADL design flow for DSP, GPP, and FPGA
9h40-10h05: Daniel Monteverde, Alfredo Olivero, Sergio Yovine, and Victor Braberman.
VTS-based Specification and Verification of Behavioral Properties of AADL Models
10h05-10h30: Mohamed Yassin Chkouri, Anne Robert, Marius Bozga, and Joseph Sifakis.
Translating AADL into BIP - Application to the Verification of Real-time Systems
Coffee break
Session 2: Transformation and Synthesis
11h00-11h30: Gregor v. Bochmann.
Deriving component designs from global requirements
11h30-12h00: Thomas Huining Feng, and Edward A. Lee.
Scalable Models Using Model Transformation
12h00-12h30: Nikolay Pakulin, and Vladimir Rubanov.
ISE language: the ADL for Efficient Development of Cross Toolkits
Lunch break
Session 3: Tools, Applications, Patterns
14h00-14h20: Sabeur Lafi, Roger Champagne, Ammar Kouki, and Jean Belzile.
Modeling Radio-Frequency Front-Ends Using SysML: A Case Study of a UMTS Transceiver
14h20-14h40: Matteo Bordin, Marco Panunzio, Carlo Santamaria, and Tullio Vardanega. A
Reinterpretation of Patterns to Increase the Expressive Power of Model-Driven Engineering Approaches
14h40-15h00: Marie-Agnes Peraldi-Frati, and Yves Sorel.
From high-level modelling of time in MARTE to real-time scheduling analysis
15h00-15h20: Joseph Porter, Gabor Karsai, Peter Volgyesi, Harmon Nine, Peter Humke, Graham Hemingway, Ryan Thibodeaux, and Janos Sztipanovits. Towards
Model-Based Integration of Tools and Techniques for Embedded Control System Design, Verification, and Implementation
Formation of Break-Out Groups
Coffee break
Discussion in Break-Out Groups
Reports of Break-Out Groups and Conclusions