September 29th, 2008      Toulouse, France (in conjunction with MoDELS 2008) organised and funded by ARTIST 

Topics, Format


We target in particular:
  • Architecture description languages (ADLs). Architecture models are crucial elements in system and software development, as they capture the earliest decisions that have a huge impact on the realisation of the (non-functional) requirements, the remaining development of the system or software, its deployment, etc.
    In particular, we are interested in examining:
    - the position of ADLs in an MDE approach
    - the relation between architecture models and other types of models used during requirement engineering
    (e.g., SysML), design (e.g., UML), etc.
    - techniques for deriving architecture models from requirements, and deriving high-level design models
    from architecture models
    - verification and early validation using architecture models
  • Domain specific design and implementation languages. To achieve the high confidence levels required from critical embedded systems through analytical methods, specific languages with particularly well-behaved
    semantics are often used in practice, such as synchronous languages and models (Lustre/SCADE, Signal/Polychrony, Esterel), time triggered models (TTA, Giotto), scheduling-oriented models (HRT-UML, Ada Ravenscar), etc. We are interested in examining the model-oriented counterparts of such languages, together with the related analysis and development methods.
  • Languages for capturing non-functional constraints (UML-MARTE, AADL, OMEGA, etc.)
  • Component languages and system description languages (SysML, BIP, FRACTAL, Ptolemy, etc.).


This full-day workshop will consist of an introduction by the organizers, presentations of accepted papers, an in-depth discussion of a set of topics that are identified by the attendees, and a concluding session presenting the results of the discussion groups.

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