ArtistDesign Year1 Review

January 22-23, 2009       Brussels, Belgium

Templates for the ArtistDesign Year 1 Deliverables
Period 1: Jan 1st 2008 - Dec 31st 2008

Given the positive reactions in the past, these templates are similar to those used for the Artist2 NoE’s deliverables, and again include clear instructions about the inputs to be provided.
We’ve clearly indicated where the input for each section should come from.

Templates for the ArtistDesign Year1 Deliverables

See the list of deliverables here.

The majority of the information already exists in some form, either in the Description of Work (see link below), in the previous Artist2 deliverables, or in publications, websites, etc.

Current Description of Work / Technical Annex

The reviewers will be referring to the current Description of Work (updated yearly), when evaluating the deliverables. Be sure to look at what was decided for your cluster/activity, and refer to it explicitly whenever appropriate.

Due Dates

The hard deadlines are here.

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