

ARTIST2 has a double core, consisting of leading-edge research in embedded systems design issues (described later in this document) in the Joint Programme of Research Activities (JPRA), and complementary activities around shared platforms and staff mobility in the Joint Programme of Integration Activities (JPIA).
The JPRA activities are pure research, and the JPIA are complementary efforts for integration. Both work towards deep integration between the participating research teams.

The JPRA and JPIA are structured into clusters - one for each of the selected topics in embedded systems design (in red). Teams may be involved in one or several clusters.

Around this double core is the Joint Programme of Activities for Spreading Excellence (JPASE). These are complementary activities for disseminating excellence across all available channels, targetting industry, students, and other European and international research teams.

Building the embedded systems design scientific community is an ambitious programme. To succeed, ARTIST2 builds on the achievements and experience from the ARTIST1 FP5 Accompanying Measure ( on Advanced Real-Time Systems. ARTIST1 provided the opportunity to test the concept of a two-level integration (within and between clusters) – four clusters in ARTIST2 originated as “actions” in ARTIST1. Building the ARTIST2 consortium and associated structure is the culmination of discussions and ambitions elaborated within ARTIST1.

ARTIST2 addresses the full range of challenges related to Embedded Systems Design, covering all aspects, ranging from theory through to applications. Each topic is treat in a separate cluster, described in detail here.

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