WCET 2009

June 30th, 2009       Dublin, Ireland (just before ECRTS'09) organised and funded by ARTIST 

9th Int’l Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis

in conjunction with the
21th Euromicro Intl Conference on Real-Time Systems
Dublin, Ireland, July 1 - 3, 2009

The Euromicro Technical Committee organized a number of satellite events attached to its 21th International Real-Time Systems Conference. This workshop was the ninth in the series of WCET workshops that started at the 2001 Euromicro conference. The workshop was organized and funded by the ArtistDesign Network of Excellence.


The final proceedings of the workshop can be found on the Dagstuhl DROPS publication server. The final proceedings were published in printed form by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) (http://www.ocg.at, Band 252, ISBN 978-3-85403-252-6). The papers in the final proceedings were extended and updated to take into account discussion at the workshop.


The "Program" page has links to the PDF slide presentations of each paper. All presentations given at the workshop are available as one ZIP archive (5 MB) of PDF presentations.


The goal of the workshop is to bring together people from academia, tool vendors and users in industry who are interested in all aspects of timing analysis for real-time systems. The workshop fosters a highly interactive format with ample time for in-depth discussions. It provides a relaxed forum to present and discuss new ideas, new research directions, and to review current trends in this area. The presentations will be kept short to leave plenty of time for interaction of attendees.


The topics of the workshop include any issue related to timing analysis, in particular:
  • Different approaches at computing WCET
  • Flow analysis for WCET, loop bounds, feasible paths
  • Low-level timing analysis, modeling and analysis of processor features
  • Strategies to reduce the complexity of WCET analysis
  • Integration of WCET and schedulability analysis
  • Evaluation, case studies, benchmarks
  • Measurement-based WCET analysis
  • Tools for WCET analysis
  • Program and processor design for timing predictability
  • Integration of WCET analysis in development processes
  • Compiler optimizations for worst-case paths
  • WCET analysis for multi-threaded and multi-core systems.

Statements which are innovative, controversial, or that present new approaches are specially sought.


To foster the workshop character, the number of participants may be limited. There is a charge for workshop registration. See the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems website for information on registration, the venue, hotel reservations, and the city of Dublin.

We urge you to register early to ensure that you get a copy of the preliminary proceedings that will be distributed at the start of the workshop.

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