September 25-29, 2006 Lausanne, Switzerland | sponsored by Artist |
Introduction to Embedded Systems | Lothar Thiele, ETHZ |
System Design Principles | Lothar Thiele, ETHZ |
Real-Time Scheduling | Lothar Thiele, ETHZ |
VLIW Architectures | Paolo Ienne, EPFL |
Embedded Memory Systems | Nigel Topham, Uni Edinburgh |
Memory Architecture Aware Compilation | Peter Marwedel, Uni Dortmund |
DSP Architectures for Communications | Heinrich Meyr, RWTH |
Retargetable Compilers | Rainer Leupers, RWTH |
Automatic Processor Specialization | Laura Pozzi, Uni Lugano |
Power Analysis and Low Power Design | Enrico Macii, Polit. di Torino |
System-Level Power Optimization | Luca Benini, Uni Bologna |
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