December 11-12, 2008 Brussels, Belgium |
9:30 | Project Officer’s Introduction Berta Ferrer Llosa (European Commission) |
ARTIST2 Final Review | |
9:35 |
Scientific Management |
Long-term Objectives and Status Scientific Coordinator: Joseph Sifakis (UJF/VERIMAG) Integration of the area (core, affiliated teams) Building Excellence | |
9:45 |
Real-Time Components Cluster |
Achievements and Perspectives Cluster leader: Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala) Overall Aims and Achievements Overview of Scientific Highlights in ARTIST2 Lasting integration achieved | |
10:15 | discussion |
10:20 |
Adaptive Real Time Cluster |
Achievements and Perspectives - demo Cluster leader: Giorgio Buttazzo (Sant’Anna - Pisa) Overall Aims and Achievements Overview of Scientific Highlights in ARTIST2 Lasting integration achieved | |
10:50 | discussion |
10:55 | break |
11:10 |
Compilers and Timing Analysis Cluster |
Achievements and Perspectives Cluster leader: Peter Marwedel (Dortmund) Activity leader: Sabine Glesner (Berlin) - presented by Bjorn Lisper (Malardalen) Overall Aims and Achievements Overview of Scientific Highlights in ARTIST2 Lasting integration achieved | |
11:45 |
Execution Platforms Cluster |
Achievements and Perspectives Cluster leader: Jan Madsen (DTU) Overall Aims and Achievements Overview of Scientific Highlights in ARTIST2 Lasting integration achieved | |
12:15 | discussion |
12:20 | lunch |
13:45 |
Control for Embedded Systems Cluster |
Achievements and Perspectives Cluster leader: Karl-Erik Årzen (Lund) Overall Aims and Achievements Overview of Scientific Highlights in ARTIST2 Lasting integration achieved | |
14:15 | discussion |
14:20 |
Testing and Verification Cluster |
Achievements and Perspectives - demo Cluster leader: Kim Larsen (Aalborg) Overall Aims and Achievements Overview of Scientific Highlights in ARTIST2 Lasting integration achieved | |
14:50 | discussion |
14:55 |
Spreading Excellence |
Achievements and Perspectives Technical Coordinator: Bruno Bouyssounouse (UJF/Verimag) Vision: Long-term impact Implementation: Year 4 Events Events over the duration of the NoE Transition to ArtistDesign | |
15:15 | discussion |
Reviewer’s Meeting | |
15:30 | Reviewer’s Meeting |
16:30 | Conclusions and Feedback Project Officer and Reviewers |
17:00 | closing |
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