EU/IST FP6 Artist2 NoE
Cluster: Control for Embedded Systems
An important result of the EU ARTIST FP5 project was four roadmaps on Hard Real-Time Development Environments, Component-Based Design and Implementation Platforms, Adaptive Real-Time Systems for Quality of Service Management, and Execution Platforms respectively, [Bouyssounouse and Sifakis,
2005]. The current roadmap written by the partners of the Control for Embedded Systems cluster within the EU/IST FP6 Network of Excellence ARTIST2 can partly be viewed as an extension of the adaptive real-time system roadmap. The
focus is how flexibility, adaptivity, performance and robustness can be achieved in a real-time computing or communication system through the use of control theory.

Similar to the ARTIST roadmaps this roadmap is intended as a roadmap for research rather than an roadmap on industrial R & D in general. The roadmap is not a roadmap on real-time control. In real-time control the real-time computing system is used as an implementation platform for a control system controlling some external dynamical system, often a physical plant with external inputs and outputs. Here, it is instead the real-time computing system that is the subject to the control. The item that is controlled is in most cases the allocation of computing and communication resources, e.g., the distribution or scheduling of CPU time among different competing tasks, jobs, requests, or transactions. Due to this, control of computing systems also goes under the name of feedback scheduling.

The roadmap assumes basic knowledge in real-time computing and control engineering from the readers. In parallel to the current roadmap a separate roadmap on Real-Time Techniques in Control System Implementation has been developed.

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