Organizer Alan Burns

Date 22 - 23 March 2006

Venue York - England

Main Objectives
  • The final set of changes to the Ada 2005 standard was outlined by Burns (a member of the Ada Standardisation working group of ISO). Overall the new standard has added considerable expressive power to Ada in the area of real-time systems. The new langue now has (Java-like) interfaces, including synchronised, task and protected, new dispatching policies including round robin and EDF (earliest deadline first), budget control over tasks and groups of tasks, and a new abstraction of a timing event – this is similar to an interrupt but is fired by the passage of time.
  • Although he new language design has introduced these addition features it is still necessary for run-time systems to be developed that can make the abstractions available. It will be necessary to evaluate the features both in terms of there inherent efficiency and in terms of their ease of use (how well can the feature be used together). Harbour discussed the work at Cantabria to update their MaRTE Ada kernel.
  • A large part of the meeting was focused on a series of presentations and discussions on the programming of servers and the right means of capturing the different sets of semantics that are possible. Improvements to the proposals were made – these will be published and made available via a web-based repository (probably housed at York).
  • The remaining time of the meeting was spent planning future events, in particular the next IRTAW which will be held in US in March next year – with sponsorship by ARTIST and a number of ARTIST members planning the event, including de la Puente who has the role of PC chair.

Participants 12 participants from York, Cantabria, Madrid, Porto and Vienna.

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