Organizers Albert Benveniste, Paul Caspi, Lothar Thiele
Date 16-17 November 2006
Venue ETHZ, Zurich - Switzerland
Main Objectives
- It has been recognised for long that the embedded systems domain is a multidisciplinary one which raises problems of communication and cooperation between several disciplines: software and hardware primarily but also computer science and engineering, real-time and distributed systems, telecommunication, control and signal processing etc. Each of these worlds have their own notion of such basic concepts as computation and communication which makes it difficult for designers to cooperate and achieve correct and efficient designs.
- Though this question can be addressed at different levels, for instance through co-simulation, interfaces, translators ensuring design flow continuity between design tools at different levels, etc., it seems to us that the conceptual level of formal models should not be neglected: any progress in identifying commonalities and differences between the conceptual models of the above mentioned disciplines can help in improving the knowledge of the embedded systems domain as well as improving the available equipment of practitioners.
- The object of the proposed workshop is therefore to gather recognised specialists of the different disciplines in order to attempt to get a panorama of the models used by each discipline, their commonalities and differences, and the several attempts that have already been proposed in order to merge these concepts within some unified view.
Expected Participants Albert Benveniste
Manfred Broy
Benoît Caillaud
Paul Caspi
Joachim Falk
Thierry Gautier
Marc Geilen
Sébastien Gérard
Alain Girault
Michael González-Harbour
Tom Henzinger
Axel Jantsch
Bengt Jonsson
Christoph Kirsch
Edward Lee
Johan Lilius
Florence Maraninchi
Michael Mendler
Marius Minea
Lionel Morel
Joseph Sifakis
Bart Theelen
Lothar Thiele
Stavros Tripakis
Eugenio Villar