Affiliated partners for the cluster: SW Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis

Affiliated Industrial+SME Partners







Joseph van Vlijmen (ACE, Netherlands)

  • Technical role(s) within ArtistDesign: The design and construction of extensions to CoSy required for ArtistDesign projects.
  • Research interests: The development and exploitation of compilation techniques and development systems in the wider contexts of SoC and EDA supported by descriptions of the system including application and target architectures. Particular interests include MPSoC and highly parallel system.
    Role in leading conferences/journals/etc in the area Programme Committees of SCOPES and DATE.
  • Notable past projects:
    - COMPARE/PREPARE ESPRIT projects: These projects particularly COMPARE, were precursors for CoSy. PREPARE focused on retargetable compilation for Fortran 90 and High Performance Fortran using massively parallel MIMD machines.
    - MESA/NEVA (ongoing): Framework IPs addressing the challenges of designing and constructing multi-processor systems.
    - Further Information: Principal architect of the CoSy. Previously, architect of ACE’s shared memory heterogeneous multiprocessor UNIX OS.

Dr. Marco Bekooij (NXP)

  • Technical role(s) within ArtistDesign: Strengthen link to work on code synthesis and industry
  • Research interests: Design of predictable systems Bart Kienhuis (Compaan Design B.V., Leiden) kienhuis/
  • Technical role(s) within ArtistDesign: Strengthen link to work on code synthesis and industry
  • Research interests: Design of predictable systems

Dr. Niklas Holsti (Tidorum Ltd)

  • Technical role(s) within ArtistDesign:
    - Participate in the definition of the common WCET tool-set architecture, the analysis modules and the interchange representations (languages, file formats).
    - Adapt Tidorum’s WCET tool, Bound-T, to integrate with the architecture and interchange formats defined in ArtistDesign
  • Research interests: Static analysis of the worst-case execution time of embedded programs.

Dr. Christian Ferdinand (AbsInt Angewandte Informatik GmbH)
  • Technical role(s) within ArtistDesign Christian Ferdinand coordinates the activities of AbsInt within Artist Design.
  • Research interests: Timing analysis, program optimization, and compiler construction.
  • Notable past projects:
    - Transferbereich 14 "Run-time Guarantees for modern Processor Architectures" of the German DFG.
    - DAEDALUS: RTD project IST-1999-20527 of the European FP5 program on the validation of software components embedded in future generation critical concurrent systems by exhaustive semantic-based static analysis and abstract testing methods based on abstract interpretation. cousot/projec...
    - INTEREST: EU Framework VI Specific Targeted Research Project IST-033661 aiming at overcoming the lack of integration and interoperability of tools for developing Embedded Systems software.
  • Awards / Decorations
    - Dr. Ferdinand received the Dr. Eduard Martin Preis in 1999 (award for best PhD Thesis in computer science at Saarland University).
    - AbsInt has been awarded a 2004 European Information Society Technology (IST) Prize for its timing analyzer aiT.

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