HSCC ’05 - Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control

March 9-11, 2005       Zurich, Switzerland sponsored by Artist 

Call for Papers

8th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems : Computation and Control (HSCC 2005)

March 9-11, 2005
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)
Zurich, Switzerland


The Eighth International Workshop on Hybrid Systems : Computation and Control (HSCC 2005), will be held at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich, Switzerland, from March 9-11, 2005. The annual workshop on hybrid systems attracts researchers from academia and industry interested in modeling, analysis, and implementation of dynamic and reactive systems involving both discrete and continuous behaviors. The previous workshops in the series of HSCC were held in Berkeley, USA (1998), Nijmegen, The Netherlands (1999), Pittsburgh, USA (2000), Rome, Italy (2001), Palo Alto, USA (2002), Prague, Czech Republic (2003), and Philadelphia, USA (2004).


Submissions are invited in all areas pertaining to the design, analysis, implementation, and applications of hybrid systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Modeling and representations
  • Computability and complexity issues
  • Tools for analysis and verification
  • Tools for synthesis and design
  • Programming language support and implementation
  • Control and optimization
  • Hybrid models in biology and other sciences
  • Engineering applications such as automotive control, avionics,
    energy systems, transportation networks, manufacturing, and robotics


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