University of Aveiro
Name of the Standard
ETHERNET Powerlink, current version - 2 (EPL v2)

Expected next major release date

Technical area(s) which it addresses
Hard real-time systems

Short description of the standard
Provision of real-time communication services on top of Ethernet COTS with low latency and jitter.

Technical gains
Open standard. Real-time over Ethernet COTS.
Good control over transmission instants. Well adapted to the remote control of motor-drives, particularly servo-drives. Supports very short cycle times.

Previous revisions/versions on which it is based
Based on EPL v2

Name of the relevant standardisation body
EPSG - ETHERNET Powerlink Standardization Group

Main leader or contact person within this standardisation body
Dr. Edwin Kiel (Lenze Drive Systems GmbH), chairman of the EPSG board of directors

Industrial domains impacted
Industrial automation, large distributed embedded systems

Industrial gains
  • Efficient support for tight distributed control of motion processes

Name of the your team
Univ. Aveiro

Responsibilities in the standard definition
We are ordinary members of EPSG since mid 2004 and have had a rather passive participation until now. Our interest is to increase participation by proposing changes that will allow higher throughput and will enforce higher system integrity, without losing the tight transmission control typical of this protocol.

Main other non-ARTIST participants in the standardisation process
These are the members of the Board of Directors and also represent the institutions/companies that are more active in the standard.
  • Dr. Edwin Kiel (Lenze Drive Systems GmbH), chairman
  • Prof. Thomas Müller (Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur)
  • Andreas Dreher (Hirschmann Automation and Control GmbH)
  • Prof. Dr. Konrad Etschberger (FH Ravensburg-Weingarten)
  • Anton Meindl (Bernecker + Rainer Industrie-Elektronik GmbH)

However, the EPSG has now 134 members and users.

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