UPM was involved in the review process of this standard
Expected next major release date
This standard is finished

Technical area(s) which it addresses
Adaptive Real-Time
Modelling and Components
Hard Real-Time

Short description of the standard
UML extensions for the description of real-time properties in UML architectures and application of real-time analysis approaches

Technical gains
This standard includes notations for the temporal characterization of UML models. These extension are integrated with real-time analysis solutions such as Rate Monotonic Analysis.

Previous revisions/versions on which it is based
OMG Standard March 2005 (standard ended), Final adopted submission October 2003.

Name of the relevant standardization body
OMG (Object Management Group)

Main leader or contact person within this standardisation body, and his/her role
Alan Moore

Industrial domains impacted
UML Modelling tools vendors, and specially the real-time oriented modelling tools
Model-based real-time software development in general.

Industrial gains
This standard provides solutions to integrate real-time concepts in UML models. It includes notations to standardize the application of real-time technologies in UML. Several tool vendors provide support of this UML profile.

Name of the Artist2 Team
Technical University of Madrid

Responsibilities in the standard definition

Main other ARTIST participants

Main other non-ARTIST participants
Submitters: ARTiSAN Software, I-Logix, Ind., Rational Software Corp., Telelogic AB, TimeSys Corporation, Tri-Pacific Software

Official Specification Document
The official specification document is here.

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