Please follow these steps for the organising Artist events (workshops, schools, etc),
to receive the Artist label, and funds.
It is essential that we receive the slides and emails of the participants.


  • The website for the event must be hosted on the ARTIST website, and it must be the only website for the event (the Technical Coordinator opens up space forit on the ARTIST website, and you make your changes directly to it online). Instructions for updating the Artist websites are here:
  • Events need to have a short description paragraph for the website, and these appear in deliverables afterwards. Here are some recent examples online.
  • Do NOT upload documents directly to the Artist website - these end up in the database, which makes backups and other operations very tedious. Instead, send them to me so that I can place them on the web server, and you can reference them directly in the web pages.
  • After the event, please remove pages that are no longer useful (eg: registration, venue, travel & accommodation, etc), and put phrases into the past tense (eg: "will organise" -> "organised").

Technical Reporting and Dissemination

  • Be sure to collect the slides presented at the event and send them to me so that they can be referenced on the Artist website
    (powerpoint is preferable). We ALWAYS use PDF format to publish the slides.
  • Be sure to collect the names and affiliations of the participants, and put these on the website after the event (sorted by affiliation).
  • Be sure to provide information for technical reporting, using this template.
  • Proceedings are always a good idea. Be sure to include an Artist logo
    and the FP7 logo (here in full resolution - please reduce it to fit your needs).

Graphics to personalize your website (optional)

You can further personalize a website for an Artist event, via:

Here’s a more formal description of the requirements:

 1  Description and Budget
The organiser provides a description and budget (if needed), to be sent to the cluster leader and the Technical Coordinator.
 2 Approval
The event needs to be approved by either the cluster leader, or the Scientific Coordinator and Strategic Management Board.
 3 Web Site for the Event
The event’s web site must be hosted on the Artist web portal, and maintained by the organiser.
 4 After the Event
The organiser updates the website, and sends the slides presented + emails of participants to the Technical Coordinator Coordinator - see detailed instructions below.
 5 Technical Reporting for all Artist Meetings and Events
This is an easy step, that applies to all Artist meetings.
Fill out the template file, and send it here
 6 Documents, Proceedings, etc if any
All documents relating to an Artist event need to:
- Display the ARTIST logo
- Display the FP7 logo provided here in full resolution - reduce to fit your needs
- Provide a link back to the ARTIST website for the event
 7 Financial Reporting and Payment

1: Description and Budget

The costs for the event are generally covered by the Artist Joint Programme of Activities for Spreading Excellence (JPASE). If the event concerns only one cluster, it should be covered by the cluster’s JPASE budget. If it covers several clusters, then the costs may be covered by the global JPASE budget.

In either case, the Cluster Leader and Technical Coordinator must be informed well before the event, of:
- The costs to be allocated, structured in a simple budget stating the main expenses
- Which Artist partner will be channelling the funds (and will include the costs in their financial reporting).
- The name of the main organiser

For publication through the Artist web portal, we’ll also need:
- a small logo (see examples on the Artist web portal)
- a 3-line description of the event, focusing on contents.
- URL for the event (containing at least

2: Approval

The event is either
  • Cluster-Integration Event
    Approval is by the cluster leader. In this case, the funds come from the cluster’s JPASE (Joint Programme of Activities for Spreading Excellence) funds.
  • NoE-Integration Event
    Approval is by the scientific coordinator, and the Strategic Management Board. Global JPASE funds may be used (SMB vote is organised by the Technical Coordinator).

3: Web Site for the Event

The organiser manages the web pages related to the workshop, on the Artist web portal. These provide the programme, registration, venue information, list of participants, etc..

If needed, an initial version of the site can be created by the Artist office, and then maintained by the organiser(s).

A few simple rules:
- In all cases, the university or company of the speakers is also given on the web page, in the form: name (affiliation)
- When the speaker is an Artist core or affiliated partner, the name links to that person’s web page on the Artist portal participants’ section These always contain a link to the regular home page. For other speakers, a link to the regular home page is provided.
- Avoid broken links
- Use spell checking
- Style and ergonomics should follow those used throughout the Artist web portal.
- When necessary, the web pages may refer to external URLs

For new users, an initial version and guidance may be provided by the Artist 2 technical and/or administrative coordinators.

4: After the Event

The following must be sent at the latest the day after the workshop, to the Technical Coordinator. This should be done at the latest the day after the event.
  • 1) Slides presented at the event,
  • 2) emails of the speakers (and participants if available).

Also, please update the website for the event:
  • 3) Pages no longer needed (eg: venue, registration, etc) should be removed from the site.
  • 4) All pages that physically reside on an external web site should be moved to the Artist web portal site (to ensure that they remain available for a long time), and the corresponding links updated.
  • 5) Texts should be changed from the future tense (eg: "The workshop will ..."), to the past tense ("The workshop did X, Y, Z").
  • 6) *** IMPORTANT ***
    A short summary page must be added, stating the basic results from the workshop: names and affiliations (or at least number of) participants, main conclusions, next related events, etc.

5: Technical Reporting for all Artist Meetings and Events

This is an easy step, that applies to all Artist meetings.
Simply provide the information in the template file.
Please do not change any of the styles in this document – the texts will be assembled into the global deliverable on Spreading Excellence. Please do NOT leave the instructions (eg “<>”) in the file – it should be ready to integrate with just cut+paste.
The reporting for each meeting should be about one page long. Send the completed file here.

7: Financial Reporting and Payment

The expenses for the workshop (according to the budget submitted) are integrated into the overall Artist budget. The corresponding eligible costs must be included in the Form C financial reporting, and the partner receives the funds after these have been approved by the Commission, within the yearly lump sum payment. Reminder: All costs within the Form C must be covered by an Audit Certificate, before the end of the contract.

Regarding Speakers and Participants

  • Speakers should be aware (and agree) beforehand that their presentations will be made available to the public, in PDF format.
  • Participants are added to the Artist Newsletter’s distribution list, unless they indicate (before or after the event) that they do not wish to receive it.
    NB: The Artist newsletter has a very strict privacy policy: under no circumstances will we provide our mailing list to any other party, including the Artist partners.

Promotion of the Event

The organiser takes all the usual measures to promote the event.
In addition, the event appears on the Artist web pages, and is included in the newsletter (very widely circulated within the community, but appears only several times per year).

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