The registration consists of two parts:
1. The workshop registration:
Please send the following registration to Silke Sandmann, either per
e-mail to silke.sandmann at or per fax to number
+49 231 755 6116.
I hereby register for
[] 13th International Workshop on Software and Compilers for Embedded Systems (SCOPES), June 28-29th, 2010 (150,00 €)
[] Extra dinner ticket for June 28th, 2010 (40,00 €)
[] Workshop Registration for the 3rd Workshop on Mapping of Applications to MPSoCs, June 29-30th, 2010 (110,00 €)
[] Extra cruise ticket for June 29th, 2010 (40,00 €)
First name:
Last name:
If you wish to book a Castle hotel room, please use registration form on the next page. If you would like to choose another accommodation, please mark this box: [ ].
( ) I am a (full) member of the following networks and EU projects:
( ) I am an affiliate of the following EU networks:
( ) I am an affiliate of the ArtistDesign cluster on Software Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis and would like my hotel fee to be covered by the ArtistDesign network. I understand that payment information will nevertheless be required for the hotel registration.
Sponsors will not be liable for any accidents or harm caused during the participation in the workshop.
I confirm that I will attend the workshop.
Cancellation policy: Cancellations will be accepted until end of May.
Cancellations of the workshop have no impact on the cancellations of hotel rooms. The cancellation policy of Schloss Rheinfels applies for all cancellations of hotel rooms.
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2. The hotel registration
Hotel Reservation @ Schloss Rheinfels
Send by Fax to No + 49 6741 – 802 802
Reservation key word: ARTIST
Dear reception team,
I would like to book
….. single room for the rate of 110,00 € / night
…. double room for the rate of 150,00 € / night
Arrival: ……………………………………………..
Departure: …………………………………………..
Surname: ……………………………………………
First name: ………………………………………….
Institute: …………………………………………….
Contact (e-mail/phone): ……………………………..
Please send a confirmation for the hotel via e-Mail to above address.
Credit card no. : ____________________________ valid till ____________
Space for special requests:
……………… …………………………………………..
Date Signature