Mapping Applications to MPSoCs 2010

June 29-30, 2010      St. Goar, Germany organised and funded by ARTIST 


Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

11:45 Business lunch (Open for registered MAP2MPSoC attendees)
12:45 Peter Marwedel Opening
13:00 C. Pilato (Polytecnico di Milano, I) A Design Exploration Framework for Mapping and
Scheduling onto Heterogeneous MPSoCs
13:30 Christian Haubelt (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, D) Accelerated Design Space Exploration for Heterogeneous MPSoCs Using Symbolic Techniques
14:00 L. Pomante (U. L’Aquila, I) System-Level Design Space Exploration for HMPSoC
14:30 The Mnemee project team The Mnemee project
15:30 Break
16:00 J. Diemer, R. Ernst (TU Braunschweig, D) Challenges of Mapping Real-Time Streaming
Applications to General-Purpose Manycores
16:20 S. Schürmans, W. Sheng, A. Stulova, J. Castrillon, R. Leupers (RWTH Aachen, D) C for Process Networks
16:40 I. Bacivarov, W. Haid, K. Huang, L. Thiele (ETH Zürich, CH) Efficient Execution of Kahn Process Networks
on Multi-Processor Systems: Implementation on Cell BE
17:00 Samarjit Chakraborty (TU Munich, D) Control Performance - Aware Task Mapping and Schedule Synthesis for Distributed Controllers on Multiprocessor Platforms
17:30 Discussion
18:00 E. Deprettere (U Leiden, NL) Benchmarking
18:30 Session ends
19:00 Departure for social event
19:30 Social event: cruise on the Rhine river (passing the Loreley rock) (Open for registered MAP2MPSoC attendees and owners of extra cruise tickets)

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

09:00 L. Di Gregorio (Lantiq, D) Techniques for Dimensioning Aggregated Event Streams to Sustain Global Application’s Demands
09:20 T. Bijlsma (U. Twente, NL), S. J. Geuns (TU Eindhoven, NL), J. P.H.M. Hausmans (TU Eindhoven, NL), M. J.G. Bekooij (U. Twente, NXP, NL) Automatic parallelization of nested loop programs with data-dependent behavior
09:40 Z. W. Bhatti, D. Preuveneers, R. Wuyts, Y. Berbers (KU Leuven, B) Extending the system scenario based design: for inter-application resource negotiations, at runtime
10:00 D. Tetzlaff, S. Glesner (TU Berlin, D) Intelligent Task Mapping for MPSoCs using Machine Learning
10:20 Break
10:50 L. Möller (TU Darmstadt, D), L.S.Indrusiak (U. York, UK), F. Moraes (CU, Porto Alegre, BR), M. Glesner (TU Darmstadt, D) Congestion-aware Task Migration Model for MPSoCs
11:10 M.A. Al Faruque, T. Ebi, J. Henkel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, D) Runtime Application Mapping Using Software Agents
11:30 F. Lindenberg (TU Hamburg-Harburg, D) A process model for the definition and programming of MPSoCs
11:45 Discussion
12:15 Lunch (Open for registered MAP2MPSoC attendees)
13:15 End of workshop
13:30 Mnemee project demo See; Open to everyone, not part of the ArtistDesign workshop.
14:30 End of demo

Note: All presentation slots include the time for discussions!

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