Luis AlmeidaUniversidade de Aveiro / IEETA
Member of the Strategic Management Board Participates in Operating Systems and Networks Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Real-Time Networks” |
Karl-Erik ÅrzénLUND University
Cluster Leader for Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity Participates in Operating Systems and Networks Leader of the JPRA Transversal Integration Activity: "Design for Adaptivity" |
Luca BeniniUniversity of Bologna
Co-leads Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Platform and MPSoC Design” |
Saddek BensalemVerimag Laboratory
Albert BenvenisteINRIA / IRISA
Guillem BernatUniversity of York, Rapita Systems
Bruno BouyssounouseVerimag Laboratory
Member of the Strategic Management Board |
Alan BurnsUniversity of York
Participates in Operating Systems and Networks Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Scheduling and Resource Management” |
Giorgio ButtazzoScuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Cluster Leader for Operating Systems and Networks Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Resource-Aware Operating Systems” |
Thierry ColletteCEA
Petru ElesLinkoping University
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Rolf ErnstTechnische Universität Braunschweig
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Gerhard FohlerTechnische Universität Kaiserslautern - Dept of Real Time and Embedded Systems
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity |
Sébastien GérardCEA / SACLAY
Alain GiraultINRIA
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Susanne GrafVerimag Laboratory
Participates in Modeling and Validation Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Modeling” |
Michael Gonzalez HarbourUniversidad de Cantabria
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Boudewijn HaverkortParticipates in Modeling and ValidationParticipates in Intercluster activity: Integration Driven by Industrial Applications |
Tom A. HenzingerEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Participates in Modeling and Validation Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Axel JantschRoyal Institute of Technology
Participates in Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design |
Thierry JéronINRIA
Bengt JonssonUppsala University
Cluster Leader for Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance Participates in Modeling and Validation Leader of the JPRA Transversal Integration Activity: "Design for Predictability and Performance" |
Christoph KirschUniversity of Salzburg
Kim Guldstrad LarsenMember of the Strategic Management BoardCluster Leader for Modeling and Validation |
Christian LengauerUniversity of Passau, Germany
Rainer LeupersRWTH Aachen
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity |
Björn LisperMälardalen University
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Timing Analysis” |
Jan MadsenTechnical University of Denmark
Cluster Leader for Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Platform and MPSoC Analysis” |
Stylianos MamagkakisIMEC
Participates in Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Peter MarwedelTechnische Universität Dortmund
Cluster Leader for Software Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Software Synthesis, and Code Generation” |
Peter PuschnerTechnische Universität Wien
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Alberto Sangiovanni-VincentelliPARADES
Cluster Leader for Intercluster activity: Integration Driven by Industrial Applications Participates in Modeling and Validation Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Joseph SifakisResearch Director at Verimag Laboratory
Member of the Strategic Management Board Participates in Modeling and Validation |
Martin TörngrenKTH - Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm
Hannu TenhunenRoyal Institute of Technology
Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity |
Lothar ThieleETH Zurich
Participates in Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Eduardo TovarInstituto Politécnico do Porto - ISEP-IPP (Portugal)
Reinhard WilhelmUniversität des Saarlandes
Participates in Software Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis Participates in Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance |
Wang YiUniversity of Uppsala
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