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ArtistDesign Participants
ArtistDesign Core Partners - by Cluster topics
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
ArtistDesign Participants
Strategic Management Board — ArtistDesign NoE
ArtistDesign Core partners - full consortium
ArtistDesign Core Partners - by Cluster topics
Cluster: Modeling and Validation
Cluster: SW Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis
Cluster: Operating Systems and Networks
Cluster: Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design
Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Intercluster activity: Integration Driven by Industrial Applications
ArtistDesign Affiliated Partners - by cluster topics
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Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Bengt Jonsson
Uppsala University
Tel: +46 18 4713157
Role within the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Cluster Leader for
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Participates in
Modeling and Validation
Leader of the JPRA Transversal Integration Activity: "Design for Predictability and Performance"
Luca Benini
University of Bologna
Luca Benini <lbenini@deis.unibo.it>
Tel: (+39) (0) 512093782
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Platform and MPSoC Design”
Alan Burns
University of York
Alan Burns <burns@cs.york.ac.uk>
Tel: +44 1904 432779
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Participates in
Operating Systems and Networks
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Adaptivity
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Scheduling and Resource Management”
Petru Eles
Linkoping University
Tel: +46 13 281 396
Participates in
Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Rolf Ernst
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Tel: (+49) 531 391 3730
Participates in
Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Alain Girault
Tel: +33 476 61 53 51
Participates in
Modeling and Validation
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Michael Gonzalez Harbour
Universidad de Cantabria
Michael Gonzalez Harbour <mgh@unican.es>
Tel: +34 942 20 14 83
Participates in
Operating Systems and Networks
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Tom A. Henzinger
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
Tom Henzinger <tah@eecs.berkeley.edu>
Tel: +41 21 693-5234
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Participates in
Modeling and Validation
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Stylianos Mamagkakis
Tel: +32 16 28 89 15
Participates in
Operating Systems and Networks
Participates in
Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Peter Marwedel
Technische Universität Dortmund
Tel: +49 231 755-6111 Secr. +49 231 755-6112
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Cluster Leader for
Software Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Leader of the JPRA Activity: “Software Synthesis, and Code Generation”
Peter Puschner
Technische Universität Wien
Peter Pushner <peter@vmars.tuwien.ac.at>
Tel: +431 58801 18227
Participates in
Software Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli <alberto@parades.rm.cnr.it>
Tel: +39 6 68807923
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Cluster Leader for
Intercluster activity: Integration Driven by Industrial Applications
Participates in
Modeling and Validation
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Lothar Thiele
ETH Zurich
Lothar Thiele <thiele@tik.ee.ethz.ch>
Tel: +41 1 6327031
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Participates in
Hardware Platforms and MPSoC Design
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
Reinhard Wilhelm
Universität des Saarlandes
Reinhard Wilhelm <wilhelm@cs.uni-sb.de>
Tel: +49 681 302 3434
Member of the
Strategic Management Board
Participates in
Software Synthesis, Code Generation and Timing Analysis
Participates in
Intercluster activity: Design for Predictability and Performance
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