Year2 Review

Artist2 Year2 Deliverables

WP0 JPMA: Joint Programme of Management Activities

UJF/VERIMAG 18 month Workplan - Sept 2006 - Feb 2008
CDC D1-Mgt-Y2 Year 2 Project Management Report
(not yet available)
UJF/VERIMAG D2-Mgt-Y2 Year2 Project Activity Report
chapter 1 Executive Summary and Overview
chapter 2 Real Time Components RTC
chapter 3 Adaptive Real Time ART
chapter 4 Compilers&Timing Analysis Compilers&TA
chapter 5 ExecPlatforms Execution Platforms
chapter 6 Control for ES Control
chapter 7 Testing&Verification Test&Verif

WP1 JPIA: Joint Programme of Integration Activities

UJF/ VERIMAG D4-RTC-Y2 Component Modelling and Verification (Platform) RTC
Scuola Sant’Anna D11-ART-Y2 A common infrastructure for adaptive Real-time Systems (Platform) ART
Saarland D14-CTA-Y2 Timing - Analysis (Platform) + AIR Specification Compilers&TA
Aachen D15-CTA-Y2 Compilers (Platform) Compilers&TA
DTU D19-EP-Y2 System modelling infrastructure (Platform) ExecPlatf
KTH D23-Control-Y2 Design Tools for Embedded Control (Platform) Control
Aalborg D26-TV-Y2 Testing and Verification Platform for Embedded Systems (Platform) Test&Verif

WP2 JPASE: Spreading Excellence

UJF/ VERIMAG D3-Mgt-Y2 Report on Spreading Excellence Global

WP3 JPRA : NoE Integration - Research Activities

Uppsala D6-RTC-Y2 Forums with specific industrial sectors (NoE Integration) RTC
INRIA D7-RTC-Y2 Seeding New Work Directions (NoE Integration) RTC
UP Madrid D8-ART-Y2 QoS aware Components (NoE Integration) RTC
Bologna D16-EP-Y2 Resource-aware Design (NoE Integration) ExecPlatf
Lund D20-Control-Y2 Adaptive Real-time, HRT and Control (NoE Integration) Control
Twente D24-TV-Y2 Quantitative Testing and Verification (NoE Integration) Test&Verif

Please note that workpackages WP5-WP10 concern only Cluster integration (not NoE Integration), and do not include the Platforms (which are in WP1).
Workpackage 4 (Modelling and Components) was halted at the end of Year 1

WP5 JPRA: Real-Time Components

CEA D5-RTC-Y2 Development of UML for Real-time Embedded Systems (Cluster Integration) RTC

WP6 JPRA: Adaptive Real-time

Cantabria D9-ART-Y2 Flexible Scheduling Technologies (Cluster Integration) ART
Kaiserslautern D10-ART-Y2 Adaptive Resource Management for Consumer Electronics (Cluster Integration) ART
York D12-ART-Y2 Real-Time Languages (Cluster Integration) ART

WP7 JPRA: Compilers and Timing Analysis

Saarland D13-CTA-Y2 Architecture-aware compilation (Cluster Integration) Comp&TA

WP8 JPRA: Execution Platforms

TUBS D17-EP-Y2 Communication-centric Systems (Cluster Integration) ExecPlatf
Bologna D18-EP-Y2 Design for Low Power (Cluster Integration) ExecPlatf

WP9 JPRA: Control for Embedded Systems

Lund D21-Control-Y2 Control in real-time computing (Cluster Integration) Control
UPVLC D22-Control-Y2 Real-time techniques in control system implementations (Cluster Integration) Control

WP10 JPRA: Testing and Verification

Twente D25-TV-Y2 Verification of Security Properties (Cluster Integration) Test&Verif

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