
The embedded software industry must face economic, technical and strategic challenges. The current methods are often too slightly equipped, not easily adaptable and were not conceived to be integrated into a complete methodological chain. Control of the increasing complexity of the systems to be developed, and resistance to the technological developments, are in general insufficient.

OpenEmbeDD is a platform open-source under Eclipse, opened, standardized and generic, based on the principles of the IDM for the software genius of systems TR/E, integral of technologies resting on formal models resulting from synchronous/asynchronous/mixed paradigms. It addresses the two branches of the cycle out of V: specification/design/establishment and checking/validation. The project falls under the topic embedded systems of the RNTL. It contributes to continue the effort made by the RNTL in direction of the free software, within the framework of a platform of Software Genius for the embedded systems, mobilizing subject of the RNTL. The platform will be built in synergy with the poles of competitiveness mentioned above and the actors of project CARROLL.

See it online!

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