Support for Predictable Integration of mission Critical Embedded Systems ITEA project focusing on AADL (Architecture Analysis and Design Language) and CCM (Component/Container Model).

Description of the project

The embedded systems software is of increasing complexity. Approach by modeling, transformation of model, and generation of code makes it possible to improve the process of development of these systems The project aims at the extension and the use of language AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language) to develop tools of validation and checking of the embedded systems.

Main areas of this project are:
  • the extension of language AADL to support constraints not-functional calculuses specific to the real time and embarked, and to provide capacities of execution;
  • to produce tools of establishment containing prédictibles components CCM for critical embarked systems which have besion of certification;
  • to carry out an environment of development and execution of components CCM.

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