
October 16th, 2009       Grenoble, France (within ES Week) organised and funded by ARTIST 


8:30 Opening
Peter Marwedel (TU Dortmund)
8:40 Software synthesis for control system algorithms in industrial applications
Emmanuel Roy (MathWorks)
9:20 On Automatic Code Generation for Control Applications
Karl-Erik Årzén (U. Lund)
10:00 coffee break
10:30 Automatic Code Generation in the Automotive Industry: Accomplishments and Challenges
Markus Gros (dSpace); proxy: Peter Marwedel
10:35 Faithful multi-task implementations of synchronous programs
Paul Caspi (IMAG)
11:05 Model-Based Code Generation is not a Replacement for Programming
Edward A. Lee (UC Berkeley)
11:35 Panel: What are the most urgent research issues in software
12:30 lunch
14:00 close

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