ArtistDesign Year4 Review

Templates for the ArtistDesign Year 4 Review
Period 4: Jan 1st 2011 - Mar 31st 2012
eligible costs are until the review

These templates are similar to last year’s, and again include clear instructions about the inputs to be provided.
- We’ve clearly indicated where the input for each section should come from.
- We’ve conitnued having a short text at the end of each section, to tell the reviewers where the text has changed with respect to last year (as per their explicit request in the Review Report).
- See the list of deliverables here.

Templates for the ArtistDesign Year4 Slides

Templates for the ArtistDesign Year4 Deliverables

The majority of the information already exists in some form, either in the Y3 deliverables (available either in PDF, or ask me to send you the Word version), in the previous Artist2 deliverables, or in publications, websites, etc.

Current Description of Work / Technical Annex

The reviewers will be referring to the current Description of Work (updated yearly), when evaluating the deliverables.
Be sure to look at what was decided for your cluster/activity, and refer to it explicitly whenever appropriate.

Feedback from the Year 3 Review: deliverables and reviewers’ comments

Last year’s review report (including the reviewer’s comments) is available here: Reviewers’ comments

Due Dates

The hard deadlines are here.

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