Affiliated Academic Partners

Prof. Ivica Crnkovic

Role within the ArtistDesign European Network of Excellence
Participates in Modeling and Validation
Member of group building RT component model SaveCCM. Initiator of cooperation with Swedish Industry, cooperation with Mohash University, Australia, and SEI(Carnegie Mellon University, US).

Company or Institution
Mälardalen University
Home page:

Research interests

  • Component-based software engineering, Development processes

Role in leading conferences/journals/etc in the area

  • Co-chair of technical committee for Euromicro Software Engineering and Advance Applications conference (SEAA) , General Chair of Euromicro SEAA 2006, Program chair 2007
  • Member of Steering committee of ACM SIGSOFT Symposium of Component-based Software Engineering, General chair 2006, Program Chair 2004.
  • General Chair of ACM SIGSOFT European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering 2007
  • Co-Editor – Journal of Systems and Software – special editions in Component-based Software Engineering, 2007, 2005, 2003

Notable past projects

  • SAVE and SAVE++ – Design of safety critical vehicular systems, funded by Swedish foundation for Strategic Research,
  • FLEXCON - Flexible Embedded Control Systems, , funded by Swedish foundation for Strategic Research,
  • CBSE Network - Component-Based Software Engineering Network
  • FLEXI – ITEA2 project

Awards / Decorations

  • Industrial Software Engineering, donation from ABB for professorship

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