ARTIST Graduate Course on Embedded Control Systems 2009

June 8-12, 2009       Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna - Pisa, Italy organised and funded by ARTIST 


MONDAY – Real-Time day

8:30 Welcome
Giorgio Buttazzo, SSSA
9:30 Introduction to embedded real-time systems
Giorgio Buttazzo, SSSA (pdf)
10:30 coffee break
11:00 Real-time scheduling algorithms
Giorgio Buttazzo, SSSA (pdf)
12:00 Resource management protocols
Giorgio Buttazzo, SSSA (pdf)
13:00 lunch
14:30 Overload handling
Giorgio Buttazzo, SSSA (pdf)
15:30 Adaptive scheduling and reservations
Giorgio Buttazzo, SSSA (pdf)
16:00 coffee break
16:30 dsPic architecture OS for micro-controllers
Mauro Marinoni, SSSA (pdf)
17:30 The Flex board and Erika overview
Mauro Marinoni, SSSA (pdf)

TUESDAY - Platform Day

8:30 Operating systems for micro-controllers
Paolo Gai, Evidence (pdf)
9:30 Stack minimization
Paolo Gai, Evidence (pdf)
10:30 coffee break
11:00 The OSEK standard
Paolo Gai, Evidence (pdf)
12:00 The Erika kernel: tasks, resources
Paolo Gai, Evidence (pdf)
13:00 lunch
14:30 The Erika kernel: events, alarms
Paolo Gai, Evidence (pdf)
15:30 Using Scilab/Scicos
Paolo Gai, Evidence
16:00 coffee break
16:30 Lab. practice on Flex
Mauro Marinoni, SSSA
17:30 Lab. practice on Erika
Mauro Marinoni, SSSA

WEDNESDAY - Control Day

8:30 Introduction to Control
Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund (pdf)
9:30 Integrated control and scheduling
Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund (pdf)
10:30 coffee break
11:00 Integrated control and scheduling, cont’d
Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund (pdf)
11:30 Control of computing systems
Karl-Erik Arzen, Lund (pdf)
13:00 lunch
14:30 Fix-point implementation of control algorithms
Anton Cervin, Lund (pdf)
15:30 Lab practice on control
Anton Cervin, Lund
16:00 coffee break
16:30 Lab practice on control
Anton Cervin, Lund

THURSDAY – Network Day

8:30 Physical issues of communication
Luis Almeida, Porto (pdf)
9:30 Medium access control techniques
Paulo Pedreiras, Aveiro (pdf)
10:30 coffee break
11:00 Protocol stacks
Paulo Pedreiras, Aveiro (pdf)
12:00 Current communication technologies
Luis Almeida, Porto (pdf)
13:00 lunch
14:30 Networked control systems
Anton Cervin, Lund (pdf)
16:00 coffee break
16:30 Lab practice on distributed control
Luis Almeida and Paulo Pedreiras

FRIDAY – Application day

8:30 Lab practice on specific projects
10:30 coffee break
11:00 Lab practice on specific projects
13:00 lunch

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