Year 1 Review
Grenoble - October 3rd-4th 2005


Management Overview
Objectives, General Structure, and Scientific Management
Joseph Sifakis, Bruno Bouyssounouse (VERIMAG)
Financial & Contractual Management
Jean-Noel Forget (CDC)


Components and Modelling Cluster

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Bengt Jonsson (UPPSALA)

Component Modelling and Composition
Activity leader: Bengt Jonsson (Uppsala)

Development of UML for Real-time Embedded Systems
Activity leader: Francois Terrier (CEA)
Platform: Component Modelling and Verification
Actvity leader: Susanne Graf (VERIMAG)

Hard Real-Time Cluster

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Albert Benveniste (INRIA)
Diagnosis in Distributed Hard Real-time Systems
Activity leaders: Hermann Kopetz, Philipp Peti (TU Vienna)
NoE Integration - joint presentation:

Semantic Framework for Hard Real-Time Design Flow
Activity leaders: Albert Benveniste (INRIA), Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli (PARADES)

Merging the Event-triggered and Time-triggered Paradigms
Activity leaders: Paul Caspi (VERIMAG), Nicolas Halbwachs (VERIMAG)

Adaptive Real-Time Cluster

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Giorgio Buttazzo (PAVIA)
Flexible Scheduling Technologies
Activity leader: Giorgio Buttazzo (Pavia)
Adaptive Resource Management for Consumer Electronics
Activity leader: Gerhard Fohler (Mälardalen University)
NoE Integration: QoS aware Components
Activity leader: Alejandro Alonso (UP Madrid)
Platform: A Common Infrastructure for Adaptive Real-time Systems
Activity leader: Giorgio Buttazzo (Pavia)

Compilers and Timing Analysis Cluster

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Reinhard Wilhelm (Saarland)

Architecture-aware compilation
Actvity leader: Rainer Leupers (RWTH Aachen)

Platform: Timing-Analysis
Actvity leader: Reinhard Wilhelm (Saarland University)

Platform: Compilers
Actvity leader: Rainer Leupers (RWTH Aachen)

Execution Platforms Cluster

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Lothar Thiele (ETHZ)

Communication-Centric Systems
Actvity leader: Rolf Ernst (TU Braunschweig)

Design for Low Power
Actvity leader: Luca Benini (University of Bologna)
NoE Integration: Resource-aware Design
Actvity leaders: Luca Benini (University of Bologna),
Peter Marwedel (University of Dortmund)
Platform: System Modelling Infrastructure
Actvity leader: Jan Madsen (TU Denmark)

Control for Embedded Systems

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Karl-Erik Arzen (Lund)

Control in Real-time Computing
Actvity leader: Karl-Erik Årzén (Lund)

Real-time Techniques in Control System Implementations
Actvity leader: Alfons Crespo (UPVLC)
NoE Integration: Adaptive Real-time, HRT and Control
Actvity leader: Karl-Erik Årzén (Lund University)
Platform: Design Tools for Embedded Control
Actvity leader: Karl-Erik Årzén (Lund University)

Testing and Verification

Achievements and Perspectives
- Overall Aims and Achievements
- Future Evolution: 18-month Workprogramme
Cluster leader: Kim Larsen (Aalborg)

Quantitative Testing and Verification
Actvity leader: Ed Brinksma (University of Twente)

Verification of Security Properties
Actvity leader: Yassine Lakhnech (VERIMAG)
Platform: Testing and Verification Platform for Embedded Systems
Actvity leader: Kim Larsen (BRICS/Aalborg)
Spreading Excellence (JPASE)
Bruno Bouyssounouse (VERIMAG)
Perspectives and Discussion
Joseph Sifakis, Bruno Bouyssounouse (VERIMAG)

Industrial Advisory Board

Feedback & Discussion
Eric Conquet (European Space Agency)
-- replacing Dominique Potier (Thalès)