ARTIST Workshop at DATE’05

March 11th, 2005       Munich, Germany organised and funded by ARTIST 


ARTIST2 Workshop: Embedded Systems Design: An Emerging Unified Discipline

IST Work Programme 2005-2006
Tom Bo Clausen, European Commission
ARTIST2 NoE on Embedded Systems Software Design: Structuring the Research Area in Europe
Joseph Sifakis and Bruno Bouyssounouse, Verimag Laboratory, FR
Heterogeneous Systems Modelling and Design
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, UC Berkeley, US
From Synchronous Designs to Delay-Insensitive Components
Benoit Caillaud, INRIA, FR
Modelling Real-Time Systems
Joseph Sifakis, Verimag Laboratory, FR
Using Rich Component Models in the Development of Automotive and Avionics Applications
Werner Damm, OFFIS, DE
Do Safely-Critical Systems Really Need to be Static?
Luis Almeida, Aveiro U, PT
Adaptive Task Scheduling
Giorgio Buttazzo, Pavia U, IT
Towards a System Modelling Platform
Jan Madsen, TU Denmark, DK
Timing Analysis of Hard Real-Time Systems
Reinhard Wilhelm, Saarland U, DE
Timing Analysis: New Directions After the Breakthrough
Andreas Ermedahl, Malardalen U, SE

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